40 weeks

40 weeks pregnant - milk bath photo

It’s week 40. We made it. The baby is fully baked and ready to see the world. Any day now he’ll come knocking and it’ll be go time. It’s quite crazy to think how far we’ve come. It’s been such a long journey with this little guy. Every emotion has graced my life during this pregnancy. From panic and fear in the early days to gratefulness and overwhelming love.

I have carried this little tiny baby for 280 days now. He has changed my body and my heart. He has changed our lives and ways of thinking about the world. And he hasn’t taken his first breath yet. How incredible what such a little person can do.

40 weeks pregnant - milk bath photo

Pregnancy this last trimester has been incredible, it has by far been my most enjoyable time. Perhaps it’s because it was during this trimester that I finally achieved roundness. I looked the part now and that made it so exciting. Dressing the bump has been fun, and seeing people’s eyes divert downwards towards my bump have made me smile. I also didn’t get my belly touched by a stranger ever! So major props there!

I threw up MUCH less these last three months, and baby moved constantly all day at all times, reminding me he was in there having fun and being silly. We talked to him much more this last trimester. Waking him up in the morning so Christian could feel him before we left for work. Baby loves wiggling his bum and sometimes sticking it in my rib cage and often poking out a foot or a hand.

40 weeks pregnant - milk bath photo

All this counting down to this one day, only to start counting up from here 40 weeks +1, 40 weeks +2… All we know is he’s very comfy in there, and I really hope he makes his entrance before any medical procedures start becoming a possibility, but we’ll just have to see what he wants to do and when he wants to do it!

40 weeks pregnant - milk bath photo

Being home and on Maternity leave these last few weeks has been nice. I’ve had plenty of time to be on my own, with my own thoughts and I’ve done anything I have wanted to. As the days have come closer to this date I have been quickly running out of things that will hold my interest. There’s only so much I can write, read, play, watch and create before I start wanting to sleep so that the next day will be here and we get to see if it’ll be THE day.

There’s not much to say, I feel ready and am patiently waiting this little dude’s arrival. I’ve been joking that he’s already a little rebel like his mom and is deciding to choose his own birthdate, so that’s what he’ll do! Soon enough he will be here, and I feel like I’ll have lots to say then.

Until then,


40 weeks pregnant - milk bath photo

All photos taken by Ahinsa Maza. You can find her on instagram either at @amzsphoto on instagram or on her personal account @ahinsamzs
