This post is part of the New Mom Monday series! A series about moms and their advice to new moms! Books and videos can only teach us so much, but there’s something special about hearing from real life moms. Honest, true, and always beautifully inspiring!!
♥ What’s your Name?
♥ Tell us a little about yourself!
♥ How many kids do you have? What are their names and ages?
♥ How do you find your “me time”?
♥ What is the best baby related book you’ve ever read?
♥ What’s the most useful baby product you have? Why do you love it?
I loved the playpen. I loved that I could put Riley in there and know that he was safe. Plus, as he grew older and started crawling and standing, it allowed me to do things like cook and clean without worry that he’s going to get up to something not good for him.
♥ If you could say something to yourself when you first brought home your first baby, what would you say?
♥ How much planning did you do before your baby was born, and how do you think that it helped or didn’t help?
I planned and planned. As in… I made sure that I got everything before hand and I had to organize how I was going to finish my schooling. I left the high school I’ve been attending since grade 8 and decided to compete it online so that I can be at home. You can’t plan for everything because in reality, everything is on the baby’s schedule. Everything else was trial and error.
♥ What do you believe are the top three pieces of advice a new mom or someone trying to conceive should know?
♥ What is your best memory so far of being a mom?
In all honesty, that’s a difficult question to answer because there are so many memories to choose from! I took a mental video of when Riley was learning how to crawl and his first baby giggles and those are baby milestones that definitely stuck in my mind. I love watching my little monkey find himself. I love watching him learn and try new things. I love watching him not give up. There really are a lot of memories in the past 12 years.
♥ Give us the short form version of your birth story.
♥ Lastly, for fun, define motherhood!
It’s a crazy rollercoaster with its ups and downs. It’s exciting… stressful but so rewarding!